Start signing your documents online

Tap&Sign provides all the features you need to quickly speed up your signatures and your business.

Getting started with eSignatures

How it works

eSignature is a process that blends technical and legal frameworks to enable strong authentication as well as proof of consent on digital documents. In order for digital signatures to be legally-binding, eSignature providers need to meet strict norms and certifications.The main criteria that need to be met include: authentication of signing parties, proof of consent, and electronic seal on signed documents to ensure their integrity.

Legality of electronic signatures

eSignatures are just as legally-binding as regular signatures. They are recognized by EU law via the eIDAS regulation.Certified providers can act on behalf of their partners to generate legally-binding signatures recognized by law. These trusted third parties are audited on a regular basis to ensure that their solutions comply with European regulations.

Successfully switch to a paper-free system

Companies of all sizes have already made the switch and gone paperless via software suites, electronic files and exchanges, storage on servers, etc. However, signing documents and contracts remains a step which, due to the lack of dedicated tools, still often requires printing, handwritten signature and archiving paper documents.

The eSignature makes it possible to finalize the process of going paperless with a mechanism that will be digitized end-to-end from the production, to the signature, to the archiving of documents.

Save time and space, get better accessibility of documents and optimize your administrative processes: digital signatures allow companies to further increase their productivity.

Advantages of eSignatures

Your agreements generate a lot of unnecessary work for your team: tedious paperwork, multiple back-and-forths, and multiple blind spots that slow your progress.

With eSignatures, your team can streamline all these processes: send your documents online for approval, using recognized formats such as PDF and request signatures from your customers, partners and employees online or face to face.

Steps to get started

Define your approval

Upload your documents, contacts, and set the order in which your signing parties will be asked to sign electronically.

Track signatures in real time

Get an instant view of each document’s progress and be notified when they are signed.

Collect a time-stamped proof file

Retrieve and store your electronically signed and sealed documents with a legally recognized time-stamped file.

Electronic signature to create a new way of working

Save Ginormous
amounts of time

The digital signature and its functionalities allow each employee to considerably reduce the time spent on these administrative tasks and to devote themselves to their core business.

No paper,
no overhead

Accounting, legal, human resources, invoicing, quotations, commercial contracts... Administrative tasks are part of the daily life of every company and require hours of work often with little added value.

eSignatures that
work for you

Tailored to your team

HR, sales, and execs all sign their contracts with Tap&Sign

Built for your industry

Banking, insurance, real estate, hiring, training, public sector, and healthcare industry leaders rely on Tap&Sign to drive their business.

Integrates into your tools

Works on any device, connects to your software stack.

Security is our #1 priority

Recognized across the EU, your agreements are secured, legally-binding
and compliant with the eIDAS norms.

Legal eSignatures

eIDAS-compliant, our eSignatures generate a time-stamped proof file

Secure hosting

Your data is handled by our servers in the EU and is accessible only by you

Certified provider

Our eSignature solution is eIDAS-certified

Advanced encryption

Safeguard access to your account and documents with secure TLS protocol

Digital signature software for all your files

Whatever your uses and work methods, Tap&Sign's electronic signature allows you to sign all types of documents. Find out how to use the eSignature on your different file formats:

Solutions designed for YOUR business

Tap&Sign's electronic signature solutions are designed for the specific needs of professionals from freelancers, to SMEs, to conglomerates. We provide tools to solve administrative problems related to all use cases.

Sales representatives

Speed up your sales processes


Speed up your sales processes


Integrate and automate with ease


Facilitate the integration of new employees

Their agreements are powered by Tap&Sign

Start your free
14-day trial

10 000+ collborators trust Tap&Sign to sign their documents

No commitment
No credit card required
No software to install