Embrace the Digital Signature Revolution!

The global landscape has undeniably transformed. Virtual meetings have now taken the place of traditional conference rooms, and digital collaborations effortlessly connect continents as never before. However, even amid these monumental shifts, one pressing challenge remains: ensuring seamless and secure Digital signature across distances. Enter Tap&Sign, a revolutionary digital signing solution that redefines how agreements are sealed in today’s digital age.

After tireless nights and relentless days of meticulous development, fused with impeccable user experience research, we are exhilarated to announce a creation that’s set to redefine the digital signing sphere. Presenting: Tap&Sign!

With Tap&Sign as your digital ally, the days of scouring for a smart, trustworthy, and economical solution to seal your agreements will be relics of the past.

Our Journey and Vision

From our humble beginnings in 2018 as “The Digital Signature Platform,” we’ve had the privilege of serving over 120 esteemed clients, achieving an impressive 99% customer satisfaction rate. Our unwavering commitment to user-centric design has been central to our success, ensuring that we deliver a seamless end-to-end digital signature experience. These roots, a testament to our team’s vast expertise, are deeply anchored in the local market.

Now, five years on, we’ve fully redesigned our product and are eager to take the next significant leap. Welcome to Tap&Sign! Building on our legacy, our ambition stretches beyond merely meeting industry standards—we aspire to redefine them. As we embark on this global expansion, the same determination that has distinguished us from the rest continues to drive us forward.

A Huge Step into the Digital Signature world

Let’s get straight to the point: signing processes can be a hassle. That’s why we designed Tap&Sign. Our deep dive into the matter revealed a seller typically spends a tedious 5 to 20 minutes on closing documents alone. And waiting? Five long business days to get a mere contract signed. Add to the mix that 41% of companies are chasing signatures for over half their documents. The result? By using e-signatures with Tap&Sign, you’re not just streamlining – you’re reclaiming 5.5 months back!

Inspired by the potential to reshape the landscape, we’ve expanded our vision. Beyond digital signatures, Tap&Sign emerges as a robust document management system. It’s efficient, secure, and built for collaboration without forgetting our green footprints. Ready to explore what sets Tap&Sign apart? Dive in with us.

Efficiency Reimagined: The Cost and Time-Saving Magic of Tap&Sign for Digital Signatures

In a traditional signature process you first create a document, print, sing, send it by post, let the other party sign, resend it by post, and store it physically which will in average take you 5 days to complete and a cost of 4,98 dollars per document. When you sign with Tap&Sign however, you create your document, notify your signer, get all your signatures and store it digitally. This will not only take 15 minutes of your time but will also only cost you an average of 0,74 dollars.

Alright, buckle up because here’s where Tap&Sign truly shines! Beyond just signatures, we offer an arsenal of features to revolutionize your documentation process. Need to streamline tasks? Check. Craving comprehensive reports? Done. Need to verify your signees? We’ve got you covered – right down to their National ID!

But wait, there’s more. Jazz up your workflow with templates, upload documents of all shapes and sizes, and send them to multiple recipients with just one click. Dive into a buffet of digital signatures: from the super-techy biometric to the classic e-signature. And yes, we even offer mobile signatures for those moments when you might find yourself needing to sign a document at the beach (because, why not?).

For the cherry on top: Seamlessly integrate Tap&Sign into your existing systems. Say goodbye to outdated worries about document security and step into a world where convenience meets professionalism. This truly is the future of signing!

This Tool: Evolving Excellence – The Next Chapter of Tap&Sign’s Digital Signature Journey

We’ve designed the perfect platform to meet your needs, but that doesn’t stop us from continually dreaming, building, and striving to offer even more. With the upcoming integration of our new add-ons – Together, Editor, and CLM – you’re in for a treat. These additions are not only tailored to your specific needs and are budget-friendly, but they also enable all of our users to simultaneously tap into the full spectrum of Tap&Sign’s capabilities and features.

This boosts team productivity and efficiency to unparalleled levels. Our scalable add-ons are designed with teamwork in mind, unlocking the true power of collaborative document management. Moreover, you’ll have the ability to create and save reusable documents across platforms. Whether you need them ‘ready to sign’ or as adaptable ‘document templates,’ they’re perfect for serving various stages of the contract lifecycle.

From humble beginnings to global aspirations, every tap and sign on our platform tells a story – a story of dedication, innovation, and the pursuit of unparalleled excellence. As we usher in a new era of digital signatures and collaborative document management, we invite you to be a part of this transformative journey. So, why wait in the past when the future beckons?

Ready to revolutionize your document signing? Get onboard with Tap&Sign today and experience the future of digital signatures.

Get your Digital Signature free-trial today: Tap&Sign Free Trial